# Getting Started

# Installation

# Browser / CDN



npm install vue-recheck-authorizer vue-qrcode-reader


yarn add vue-recheck-authorizer vue-qrcode-reader


In order to use the Scanner component you need to install vue-qrcode-reader as a dependencie.

# Default import

Install all the components:

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueQrcodeReader from 'vue-qrcode-reader';
import VueRecheckAuthorizer from 'vue-recheck-authorizer';


Use specific components:

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueQrcodeReader from 'vue-qrcode-reader';
import { Scanner } from 'vue-recheck-authorizer';

Vue.component('recheck-scanner', Scanner);

⚠️ A css file is included when importing the package. You may have to setup your bundler to embed the css in your page.

# Distribution import

Install all the components:

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueQrcodeReader from 'vue-qrcode-reader';
import VueRecheckAuthorizer from 'vue-recheck-authorizer/dist/vue-recheck-authorizer.common';
import 'vue-recheck-authorizer/dist/vue-recheck-authorizer.css';


Use specific components:

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueQrcodeReader from 'vue-qrcode-reader';
import { Scanner } from 'vue-recheck-authorizer/dist/vue-recheck-authorizer.common';
import 'vue-recheck-authorizer/dist/vue-recheck-authorizer.css';

Vue.component('recheck-scanner', Scanner);

⚠️ You may have to setup your bundler to embed the css file in your page.

# Styles

You can write your own css/scss styles for components (alert, loader, cards, modals):


.my-custom-styles {
  // Component styles

  .loader {
  } // Loader styles

  .alert {
    // Alert styles

    p {
    } // Styles for description
    button {
    } // Style for alert close button

  .card {
    // Card itself

    .card-header {
    } // Styles for card header
    .card-body {
    } // Style for card content
    .card-footer {
    } // Styles for card footer - buttons, etc..

  // Modal Styles
  // Additional classes 'confirm' for confirm and 'input' for pin modal
  .modal {
    // Style of the modal overlay (backdrop)

    .modal-content {
    } // Style of the modal itself
    .modal-header {
    } // Styles for modal header
    .modal-body {
      // Styles for modal content

      .form-group {
      } // Styles for label/input/checkbox in the modal
    .modal-footer {
    } // Styles for modal footer - buttons, etc..

  .modal.confirm {
    // Additional class for confirm modals
    // ....

  .modal.input {
    // Additional class for input/pin modals
    // ....

To apply this style you will have to specify classes property:

<scanner classes="my-custom-styles" /> <identity classes="my-custom-styles" />